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Does My Baby Need Formula? Understanding When It’s Truly Necessary


Updated: Feb 8

Image of breastfed infant who's mother avoided formula

Becoming a mother is filled with questions, and one of the biggest is whether your baby needs formula. If you’re like many mothers, you deeply desire to breastfeed—it’s natural, it’s bonding, and it’s part of God’s design. But hospital stays and early feeding challenges can leave you wondering: Does my baby need formula? Let’s break this down together so you can make informed, confident decisions.

Breastfeeding Is a Vital Sign

Your baby’s ability to latch, transfer milk, and gain weight is more than just about feeding; it’s a sign of their overall health. Babies who struggle to breastfeed might have underlying issues that need attention. The good news? Many of these challenges are fixable with the right support. Before reaching for formula, ensure your baby has had a thorough functional assessment by a skilled lactation professional who can help address the root cause of the difficulties.

Is Formula Ever Truly Necessary?

While formula is rarely the only option, there are instances where temporary supplementation might be considered. However, even in these cases, skilled breastfeeding support often allows mothers to avoid formula entirely.

Let’s look at some common concerns:

  • Dehydration: Reduced wet diapers or signs of lethargy are often manageable by increasing volume of breastmilk. Simple ways to do this are increasing breastfeeding frequency, ensuring a deep latch, and using techniques like breast compressions. Sometimes it will be necessary to feed baby expressed breastmilk. If this doesn't work, you could opt for donor milk or formula.

  • Weight loss: Losing more than 10% of birth weight is a red flag that something isn’t working optimally. Instead of jumping to formula, focus on assessing latch, milk transfer, and milk supply with professional support. Frequently we can increase baby's milk volume without using formula. However, if baby is unable to remove milk from the breast and the mother is not pumping or expressing milk efficiently either, formula may be necessary.

  • Medical conditions: Challenges like jaundice or low blood sugar are frequently used as reasons to supplement with formula, but these are often manageable with frequent, effective breastfeeding and guidance from a knowledgeable provider. Learning your options ahead of time can help you advocate for avoiding formula in these scenarios.

It's important to recognize that many of these situations are not insurmountable and can be addressed without disrupting your breastfeeding journey.

Avoiding Formula in the Hospital: What You Need to Know

Over 20% of mothers who wanted to breastfeed leave the hospital with their babies already on formula, often due to unnecessary pressure or a lack of skilled breastfeeding support.

Here’s how to prevent that:

  1. Know your rights: Insist on rooming-in with your baby, delaying unnecessary interventions, and seeking knowledgeable lactation support before formula is suggested.

  2. Get skilled help early: Hospital staff may not always prioritize breastfeeding, so having an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) in your corner can make all the difference.

  3. Learn your baby’s signals: Understanding true signs of a problem versus assuming any fussiness means the baby is starving is critical to avoiding formula.

The Role of Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding isn’t about luck; it’s about preparation and support. Too many mothers are blindsided by outdated advice or influenced by aggressive formula marketing. By equipping yourself with knowledge and surrounding yourself with the right team, you can confidently protect your breastfeeding journey.

What You Can Do Right Now

If you’re pregnant, here are a few steps to set yourself up for breastfeeding success:

Final Thoughts

The question, Does my baby need formula?, doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With early preparation, skilled support, and confidence in your God-given ability to nourish your baby, you can avoid unnecessary formula use and achieve your breastfeeding goals.

Ready to feel confident in your breastfeeding journey? Download my free guide and join the Confident MamaBear Society today. For just $29/month you get access to workshops including Secrets to a First Latch Without Pain, Avoiding Unnecessary Formula in the Hospital, Navigating Low Milk Supply Like a Pro, and the Breastfeeding With Confidence Course. Plus, you'll get exclusive invitations to Confident MamaBear Support calls 2x a month! Let’s make breastfeeding a joyful, successful part of your motherhood story.


Jaimie Zaki is a homeschooling mom of 5 based in Abilene, Texas, teaching mothers to prevent & overcome breastfeeding challenges with Confidence. Jaimie is the host of the Breastfeeding With Confidence Podcast, author of Baby's First Year for New Parents, and founder of the Confident MamaBear Society. Jaimie has been featured on top podcasts like The Birth Experience with LaborNurseMama & Birthing Instincts with Dr. Stu & Midwife Blyss. If you need someone who is willing to go the extra mile to help you feel confident in your breastfeeding journey, Jaimie is your girl. Connect with Jaimie here.

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