Birthing with Confidence
As Featured In
Breastfeeding Shouldn't Hurt.
Let me teach you how to Latch With Confidence!
Breastfeeding Pain is known as one of the top reasons mothers quit breastfeeding, and the fear alone can be enough to make you dread feeding your baby.
Let's stop that TODAY!
No one wants to experience that toe-curling pain when they're supposed to be bonding with and enjoying their precious new baby.
And no one wants to be crying alongside their baby, feeling broken at each feeding session.
The truth is: Breastfeeding pain can be avoided. (But we don't always learn how to take advantage of our baby's reflexes to make latching easier, instead we try to take control.)
Inside LATCHING WITH CONFIDENCE, I'll teach you how to work with your baby to achieve a more comfortable latch and what to do if breastfeeding still hurts — regardless of if you’re a new mama, expecting, or even thinking about having a baby in the next few years!
You deserve to breastfeed your baby without unnecessary pain.
Without Latching With Confidence:
❌ Winging breastfeeding, hoping for the best, feeling uncertain
❌ Dreading feeding times with fear & anxiety
❌ Poor milk removal = clogged ducts & mastitis, low milk supply, and poor weight gain
❌ Pressure to use bottles and formula against your instincts
❌ Feelings of hopelessness & helplessness as everyone tells you to just wait it out and "it'll get better eventually"
After Latching With Confidence:
✅ Enjoy feeding & bonding without stress and anxiety
✅ Latch that feels like the flutter of a butterfly, instead of medieval torture
✅ Efficient feedings that drain the breast, leave baby full and content, and tell your body to keep making milk ✅ Confidence you can work through early challenges without giving up on your breastfeeding goals
✅ Know what's "normal" vs. a 🚩 and how to find the root-cause to get real solutions
✅ Ongoing expert guidance to implement everything you learn & tailor your breastfeeding plan to your goals.
Here's what moms say after working with Little Bear Lactation
Latching With Confidence ($350 value)
Lesson 1: A perfect latch: It's more than meets they eye
Lesson 2: What won't work for your baby (or breastfeeding success)
Lesson 3: Latching Techniques You're Expected to Know
Lesson 4: Latching Options for Every Mom
Lesson 5: Healing Damaged Nipples
Lesson 6: Using a Nipple Shield Successfully
Lesson 7: Postpartum Stress Management for Mom & Baby
Lesson 8: Continued Support When You Need it Most
BONUS: Breastfeeding Your Tongue Tied Baby ($47 value)
BONUS: One FREE Month of the Confident MamaBear Society membership ($29 value)
Total Value: $426
Meet Jaimie Zaki
Lactation Consultant & Founder of the ConfidentMamaBear Society
As a holistic minded mom of 5 without much of a built in support system (yay, military life), and IBCLC, I have seen first hand how challenging breastfeeding can be when we don't have the tools or resources for guidance and support. That's why I created Latching With Confidence & The Confident MamaBear Society... so moms like you can build a strong foundational knowledge for breastfeeding, and connect with support that cares. You can breastfeeding your baby with confidence and ease. You don't have to walk this journey alone, figuring it out with confusing google & social media.
Frequently Asked Questions.
1. Is this class included in the Confident MamaBear Society Vault?
No. This is a premium course, only accessible to parents who join Latching With Confidence. The Confident MamaBear Society features other workshops and courses (like Low Milk Supply, Managing Reflux, and Avoiding Formula). So while parents who join LWC will get 1 month of free access to the CMBS vault, members of CMBS will not have access to LWC unless they join it separately.
2. What makes this class different than Secrets to a First Latch Without Pain?
Secrets to a First Latch Without Pain builds a valuable foundation for understanding that breastfeeding doesn't have to hurt, and that it can be enjoyed. Secrets lays out myths about breastfeeding, teaches you how to create a Breastfeeding Plan, and how to use the LATCH technique, but Latching With Confidence goes deeper.... Inside, you'll go deep into understanding the difference between a good latch and a bad latch, understanding your baby's behaviors and symptoms, and knowing exactly what changes to make to improve feeding. You'll also get a free month of access to the Confident MamaBear Society which means you'll have the opportunity for expert guidance while implementing everything you've learned.
3. How long will I have access to this course?
You will have access to Latching With Confidence for the lifetime of the course.
4.. Is this class available On Demand?
Yes! This course is available for IMMEDIATE access! Which means you can enjoy IMMEDIATE solutions!
5. Can't I just googled latching tips?
Yes & no... There is some good information on google, but you'll spend a LONG time wading through crap to find the good stuff... we don't just teach you what a "good" latch looks like, we teach you how a good latch functions. We teach you what it means when specific parts of the latch aren't working right, and the best next steps for solving the problem.