Birthing with Confidence

As Featured In

Breastfeeding Shouldn’t Hurt—Let Me Show You How to Latch With Confidence!
Many moms believe breastfeeding will just come naturally… until they’re blindsided by pain, frustration, and doubt.
I’ve been there—when my son was born, latching hurt more than I ever expected. I was told, "It’s normal, it’ll get better,"but it didn’t. Instead of support, I was gaslit and left feeling broken.
Then I took control. I learned to trust my instincts, read my baby’s cues, and get the right support. Everything changed.
Now, I teach moms exactly what I and dozens of my clients wish we had known sooner in Latching With Confidence—so you don’t have to struggle hopeless & alone like we did.
✔️ Achieve a pain-free latch by working with your baby’s reflexes
✔️ Learn to advocate for yourself in the hospital and beyond
✔️ Feel empowered to breastfeed with confidence and ease
❌No more second-guessing.
❌No more struggling alone.
Breastfeeding can be something you love—not something you fear.
Let’s make that your reality.
What you'll learn inside the online breastfeeding class:
Without Latching With Confidence:
❌ Wing breastfeeding, hope for the best, never feel certain
❌ Dread feeding times with fear & anxiety
❌ Poor milk removal = clogged ducts & mastitis, low milk supply, and poor weight gain
❌ Pressure to use bottles & formula against your instincts
❌ Controlled by hopelessness & helplessness as everyone tells you to just wait it out and "it'll get better eventually"
After Latching With Confidence:
✅ Enjoy feeding & bonding without stress and anxiety
✅ Latch that feels like the flutter of a butterfly, instead of medieval torture
✅ Efficient feedings that drain the breast, leave baby full and content, and support a healthy milk supply
✅ Confidence you can work through early challenges without giving up on your breastfeeding goals
✅ Know what's "normal" vs. a 🚩 and how to find the root-cause to get real solutions
✅ Ongoing expert guidance to implement everything you learn & tailor your breastfeeding plan to your goals.
Don't just take it from me... Take it from the women I've helped find their confidence and create positive breastfeeding stories

Latching With Confidence ($449 value)
Module 1: Latching With Confidence
Lesson 1: A perfect latch: It's more than meets they eye
Lesson 2: What won't work for your baby (or breastfeeding success)
Lesson 3: Latching Techniques You're Expected to Know
Lesson 4: Latching Options for Every Mom
Lesson 5: Healing Damaged Nipples
Lesson 6: Using a Nipple Shield Successfully
Lesson 7: Postpartum Stress Management for Mom & Baby
Lesson 8: Managing Milk Supply
Lesson 9: More Support When You Need it Most
Module 2: Breastfeeding Resource Library
BONUS Module : Breastfeeding Your Tongue Tied Baby ($47 value)
BONUS Module: One FREE Month of the Confident MamaBear Society membership ($29 value)
Total Value: $525
Meet Jaimie Zaki
Lactation Consultant & Founder of the ConfidentMamaBear Society
As a holistic minded mom of 5 without much of a built in support system (yay, military life), and IBCLC, I have seen first hand how challenging breastfeeding can be when we don't have the tools or resources for guidance and support. That's why I created Latching With Confidence & The Confident MamaBear Society... so moms like you can build a strong foundational knowledge for breastfeeding, and connect with support that cares. You can breastfeeding your baby with confidence and ease. You don't have to walk this journey alone, figuring it out with confusing google & social media.

Not sure if Latching with Confidence is right for you?
I get it. If you’ve already tried everything, seen multiple lactation consultants, or been given conflicting advice, it’s easy to wonder if anything will work. But here’s what most people miss:
🤔 “I’ve already tried everything.”
If you’ve tried all the tricks—different holds, nipple shields, pumping, supplementing—but still feel stuck, it’s because those are symptom-management strategies, not solutions.
Breastfeeding struggles almost always come back to an underlying root cause—whether it’s oral function, nervous system dysregulation, ineffective milk transfer, or a mismatch between you and your baby’s feeding instincts. Latching with Confidence helps you find and fix the actual problem, so you’re not stuck guessing.
🤔 “But my doctor said…”
If you're the type of person who sees doctors as the authority and you are required to obey, this class isn't for you. If you are the type of person who wants to learn how to make empowered decisions, advocate for the right support, ask the right questions and command a TEAM approach to healthcare decisions with your doctor for you & your baby, you're in the right place.
The truth: Most doctors mean well, but most aren’t trained to assess how breastfeeding is going—just whether your baby is gaining weight. If their advice feels like it’s working against breastfeeding instead of supporting it, or pushes against your intuition... that’s because it often is.
I’ll help you understand the medical advice you’re getting, filter out what’s helpful vs. what’s not, and advocate for solutions that align with your goals.
🤔 “I already saw two lactation consultants.”
Many of my clients have worked with multiple lactation consultants before finding me. The difference? Most approaches focus on surface-level latch fixes or milk supply hacks but miss the deeper issues.
Latching with Confidence doesn’t just teach you what to do—it helps you understand why things aren’t working and how to fix them in a way that honors both you and your baby’s design. Plus, it's not one-size-fits-all... that's why you get a free month of direct support in the Confident MamaBear Society as a special bonus!
🤔 “I’m pregnant and don’t think I really need this.”
Breastfeeding seems natural, but it doesn’t always come naturally. The best way to avoid struggles is to prepare before they start. Most moms who struggle in the first weeks tell me, “I wish I had learned this sooner.” This class will give you the confidence to go into birth knowing exactly what to do from the start—so you’re not scrambling for answers when things feel overwhelming.
🤔 “My baby is already here… it’s probably too late.”
It is never too late to turn things around. I’ve helped moms who were weeks or even months postpartum shift their breastfeeding experience completely. The key is identifying the root cause of the struggles, not just trying to push through them.
🤔 “I don’t want to waste my money on a class that doesn’t help.”
I hear you. There are so many generic breastfeeding classes that focus on surface-level tips and leave moms frustrated when things don’t go as planned.
That’s why this isn’t just a class—it’s a complete support system. You’ll learn how to troubleshoot and prevent problems, plus you get one FREE month inside the Confident MamaBear Society for additional expert Q&A and support calls. If you want continued access, you can choose to stay, but even that first month will give you the real-time guidance you need to get on the right track.
🤔 "Breastfeeding is natural—shouldn’t I just trust my instincts?"
Yes! But instincts can only take you so far when you’re up against modern obstacles that make breastfeeding harder than it should be.
Birth interventions, rushed hospital care, and outdated advice can make it feel like something is wrong with you when really, you just need the right guidance. Latching with Confidence helps you work with your baby’s natural instincts instead of against them.
🤔 "What if I just end up needing formula anyway?"
This class isn’t about making you feel guilty if breastfeeding doesn’t go perfectly—it’s about giving you real solutions so you can make informed choices. If supplementation becomes necessary, I’ll teach you how to do it in a way that protects your breastfeeding relationship (instead of sabotaging it).
And because every dyad is unique, you also get bonus access to the Confident MamaBear Society, where you can ask questions, get expert guidance, and join twice-a-month live support calls—so you’re never left trying to figure it out alone.
👉 You don’t need more tips—you need the right answers. That’s what Latching with Confidence is all about.